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Before you contact us, be sure to read the FAQ. While we would like to respond in a timely fashion to every inquiry, we are unable to promise our ability to do so. We appreciate your correspondence, and your understanding of our situation.

The domain name is "" (yes, this VERY web site). To visit us, prepend any of the following (thus, if the domain was '" and you wanted to get on our mailing list you would email us at '' ). Why are the email addresses obfuscated in this way? We won't type them out explicitly because we just refinanced our mortgage, have way too many hair replacement kits, and don't want to disappoint that exiled Nigerian prince.

comments : Send us constructive feedback, issues with the web-site or pdf display, etc. Remember to specify the subject and the relevant author and work (if applicable).

editor : If you want to submit a piece (after carefully reading FAQ) use this.

authors : Requests targeted at individual authors. For example, requests to use pieces, for movie rights, etc.

notify : Get on the mailing list. Increases your odds of finding out when the next issue is posted.